Saturday, 12 October 2013

13th October 2013- Walking down the Uni Life road...

13th October 2013- Walking down the Uni Life road...

Been debating what to write for the past few weeks... and haven't felt like writing in a while which is uncharacteristic of me. I always love to write whether it is fantasising about a future book I would like to write or writing in my diary. Yes you must be rolling your eyes by now after hearing that I love writing yet I haven't written in about a month -_-. Not proving my point haha! But for those of you who are reading this blog let me tell you about what I have been up to :) 

First day of "Introduction lectures" was nerve wracking was wracking my brains trying to find the names of buildings and following the long line of students going to class. For me it is as 20 min walk to get to the University even though they say that my accommodation is "on campus"... ok I digress. I was late to class so I panicked and practically ran to class. Ok I admit I might have misjudged the time it took to get to the University but whatever. The class was quiet and everyone made friends really easily. Not me I wanted to sit alone. I must admit the first few weeks at uni I felt horrible. I thought about going home every second I wasn't busy. My flatmates were friendly however I somehow felt that I connected with no one here. It was truly a big culture shock when I went to the supermarkets, you have to bag your own stuff, I got yelled at a couple times because I didn't know how to work their self check out machines! Yes I said it "self checkout!" Ok Taikoo has them but it is rare in HK that you have self checkout. Everyone here is so independent! 

Checked out the area but mainly stayed in my room the rest of the week avoiding anyone and everyone. However, I tried to warm up to people and attended a gathering with my flatmates. However, they all drank ALOT! However they were welcoming and we played the ring of fire with me and another flat mate drinking lemonade instead of beer or wine or vodka. The game was fun but I felt that this was out of my element and I felt left out. 

                                                          (Bluewater Shopping mall!!) 
Going to class was the only thing I looked forward to doing. I really wanted to just make myself busy... Oh god this is getting depressing... haha! Anyways this reminds me of Bella in New moon (Twilight series) god the book was painful. Hope this isn't too painful! Fast forwarding it I have made some friends and regularly skype or video chat home to keep me in the loop (and keep me sane). It really helped with my homesickness so a big thumbs up to video chatting! 
OH and the great thing about the UK.... wait for it.... chocolate! The chocolate selection is amazing! Rows upon rows of chocolate! I have even bought stuff to bring back home for the holiday season! 

x Hong Kong girl 
p.s. I will be posing a Quick recipes for university soon! And DIY pencil jars and an update soon on my part time job! Stay tuned! 

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