Thursday, 12 September 2013

September 13th 2013 ~ 5 days

Ok so the real urgency comes now. I may have skipped some days in my countdown however I think it is essential that the last few days are the most informative and for those who like makeup I will do a section on travel makeup.

On this post it will be strictly information based on what you should pack into your hand luggage. Baggage load etc. However, on my "My Road to Uni" page I will upload some of my thoughts ever since the countdown calendar became single digits as I think that page is getting a little bit bland. I assure you that right now my blog is pretty empty (of pictures) but when I get there I will take loads of pictures of my journey and my room etc.

Down to business, by now you should have begun to pack your luggage and bought some winter clothes if you don't have enough. Those vacuum bags that I recommended buy the small sized ones. I tried to use them last night an well they were huge! So if you have large now you could go back to the store and get it exchanged or if its past 7 days you have 2 options: One to continue using it folding it to fit your suitcase. Two to save it for when you are moving house! They are exceptionally good at saving space! In my suitcase I actually also have a few hk cooking sauces that I love like lemon sauce, hoi sin sauce mmmmm!!!! This is highly optional but make sure you buy a roll of bubble wrap to wrap anything breakable.

Depending on your flight you are given a maximum baggage load. For some it will be 25kg while others get 35kg. You probably disregarded this as it doesn't seem to important but you need to Now! You pack to much you will have to take stuff out in the airport! So get a bathroom scale and weigh it la!

Hand Luggage!
On the day I love to bring a hand luggage in my case a backpack. I put in my little makeup bag with lip balm, hand lotion. make sure that your liquids i.e your hand lotion is under 10ml. They will take it away if it is over that! Also don't bring your nail clippers, nail scissors etc. (any sharp objects) will also be taken away! I know it seems like a thing where you say "duh" but I have done it plenty of times!
I am putting my Laptop into my backpack as it gives me more space to bring stuff in my luggage.

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