Sunday, 15 December 2013

Uni Days: 27th Nov

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27th November 2013 ~ Lost and Lonely  (Photos will be up tomorrow afternoon UK time) 

Have been putting off this blog for a while as I have found that Uni life is completely different from those cheesy books and movies I have read. Sure it has its ups and downs and for me this experience has seriously changed the way I see things... it depends on how you view it.

These past few weeks have been fairly hectic with all my assignments coming up I was wondering if I would survive it all. Alas I have. One thing I learnt in Uni is that time passes by really quite quickly! You don't really have time to reflect. I have found that planning my days (yes it seems a bit compulsive) has helped quite a lot. I have a list of things to do before I fly back to HK for Christmas! I am ecstatic! I thought instead of writing about EVERYTHING I will just list it below so I don't bore you guys.

1. Friends: When I got here man it was difficult to make friends, common friends sure they were easy but they are nothing like the ones you had in secondary school. I really missed my friends and if you have noisy and party fanatics living in your dorm I felt left out. I must admit I was nervous just leaving my room and seeing them. Don't know why... I'm usually more sociable. I made some friends and I found out that they weren't as nice as I thought... I would advise you not to become best friends with someone who you met only a month into uni... they change. But it is up to you.

2. Assigments: I had my first assignment 2 weeks ago and I wasn't too worried about it actually. With my prior knowledge from IB I felt the work was very similar to what I have done so a thumbs up for the 2 years of IB :) I planned it fairly well and handed it in on time however, I had no idea you had to fill in a form in order to give it in! Make sure you know how to spell your Module Convenors name!! (Mine was from the Netherlands!).

3. Home sickness: Just an update on my current well being haha! I had a few bursts of homesickness during the 3 months I have been here and they were tough but I started a countdown til HK and that cheered me up. I also wrote some Chinese characters for strength and hong Kong on my wrist for a little umph!

4. Going places:  I walked around my area and went somewhere far away! My friend and I went to Bluewater last week it was incredible! Huge! There were so many stores and my legs actually hurt from walking around the mall! I also had frozen yogurt so that was good :) Salted Caramel! Will attach a photo soon!


1. Plan your meals! This is not because of a diet but when you have so much to do the last thing you want to do when you get back is cook and you will end up popping something unhealthy in the microwave! It is called freshman 15 right?

2. Finish your assigments early - this is a huge benefit! If you finish early you won't have to rush last minute and fight for the printer! Also most of the assigments pile up before the xmas holidays so if you have a few done before then you have nothing to worry about! BONUS!

3. Take a chance to explore the area: you are going to live there for the next few years of your life right?

4. Make some friends - It's a well known fact that making friends has loads of benefits! Of course it is safer to walk in a group at night than alone. They can help with homesickness! All those movies with the girls watching movies all night and popping popcorn, that can come true too (if you are interested in that kind of stuff).

5. Volunteer- You can get certificates for volunteering and you can gain experience for your future jobs. In addition to this you can make some new friends and learn some valuable things that you can never find anywhere.

6. Christmas Fayres! - When I first came here I thought it was called a "fair" rather than "fayre" but anyway I digress. Since christmas is right around the corner, search up your nearest christmas fayre and get your but there! There are so many around and you can pick up last minute decorations, go on rides, watch the circus and have a great time! Your uni may even run a free bus there an back just for students (check with your uni!). The biggest fair I must say is "winter wonderland" in London. Just incredible! I will be going there just before I leave so check back at my blog for what I did, what I bought and some pretty pictures :)

xHong Kong Girl

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